Monday, January 24, 2011

More gibing practice at Hampton

Session 122, 24 January 2011

Kite: Switchblade 10
Wind: 15 - 18 knots, S
Location: Hampton
Time: 16:00 to 17:00 (1h)

It was great to get out on the water after a weekend in Sydney with no kiting.  The wind was good when I arrived and for the first half of the session, then it dropped off.

I am finding it difficult to gibe.  Today the board stalled and sank under me while I was wondering what to do with my feet.  I need to do some more practice on the beach of the foot movements, and bring my rear foot right up close to the front one before attempting it.

Wow, is it really 2 weeks since I last kited?  It has not been a very good season here so far this year.

Looking back to the Sandringham marina

The bay is big!

Looking back to the Sandringham marina

Some bay swell.

Look at the "groomed" beach - the Council has been busy

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