Session 72, Saturday 02 January 2010
Kite: Switchblade 10m
Location: Hampton to Port Melbourne (Sandridge beach)
Wind: 15 to 20 knots SW
Duration: 12:30 to 2:00pm- 1.5 hours
GPS readings
Max speed: 38.4 km/h
Trip odo: 25.2 km
Trip time: 1:29
Ave speed: 17 km/h
A classic downwinder! Woo hoo!. The forecast wind arrived in the morning, it looked like it would stick around so I headed for Hampton at noon where it was showing about 20 knots. Only one other kiter out, and another on the beach.
Hampton Beach departure point
I was really keen for an adventure, so I decided to attempt a downwinder to St Kilda or beyond. The wind was about 25 knots at South Channel so I decided to take out the 10m kite in case it got stronger in the north of the bay.
I stashed some gear (kite bag, foam sandals, shorts, shirt & wallet) in my 18l waterproof backpack, then launched about 12:45. The wind had backed off a bit, but there was enough power in the 10m kite so I headed off on the tour.
Out to sea at first for a distance. Some really big swell forming as I came down and back in to Brighton. Great surfing; the wind carries you onto the waves which you can then surf down. Carving and S turns are great. I carved on the edge right around to finish the turn toe side down and kept going. Seems simple, but you have to watch where the kite goes. Its a lot of fun.
A few jellyfish lurking beneath the waves, but not many. I surprised one cormorant a fair way out. A felt a sense of solitude too. There were kites closer in at Brighton, but open water where I was. Great views of the bayside and the city too.
I came right in to Hampton over the reefs, then headed on down past the Brighton pier and marina. Not a place to ditch the kite as there is nowhere good to drift in, so I exercised some caution. Rounding the breakwater is a relief as beach is visible. I came in past the breakwater and closer to shore for a look around, but there was less wind so I headed straight out again.
It was better surfing the waves on the starboard (right) tack rather than the port (left tack). I came into the rock wall just near North Road, then headed to Elwood Beach where three windsurfers were enjoying the small surf. I caught a few waves then headed past Point Ormand - just clearing the reef of the point - then headed out again on a tack towards the refineries now visible at Williamstown.
I was contemplating a crossing to Altona or Williamstown, but given I was on my own decided that staying closer to shore was prudent. By now the wind was backing off a little. I had to work the kite occasionally then another stronger gust would come through and I would be zooming across the water again.
A large cruise boat was visible at Port Melbourne so I decided to head past it and finish at Sandridge Beach. I passed by the St Kilda marina and breakwater a fair distance out, and saw some kiters at St Kilda a lot closer in. A large container ship was heading for the Yarra too past Williamstown.
The wind dropped a little further, so I was mindful of staying out far enough to make it to Sandridge Beach, as it was too light to go upwind. By now most of the kites at St Kilda were in an stationary. Then I noticed my right foot was swivelling! The right foot binding/strap was rotating on the board. Another loose screw. Tip: when checking your board, check all screws (fins and footstraps).
I was intent on keeping a straight tack and some speed up to get past the moored cruise ship and the Beacon Cove pier complex where there is no safe landing. Sandridge Beach loomed up as a welcome goal, then the wind died. I couldn't keep the kite up and started drifting slowly into the beach from about 300m out. I was contemplating a self rescue to get the kite lines out of the way and drift/swim in, but then the wind picked up. I relaunched the kite and came straight in.
GPS track log of downwinder
I was really stoked to complete this adventure. I changed into my dry clothes, packed the kite, stowed the wet gear then walked to Port Melbourne for a fantastic coffee and banana chocolate muffin. The batteries in my helmet cam were flat and I didn't set up the kitecam properly, so unfortunately there are no action shots of the downwinder.
Tram 109 at beacon cove
My gear at the cafe - bring on the latte and muffin!
I then caught tram 109 to Colllins St, walked down Collins St to Flinders Street Station (getting some curious stares along the way) and caught the Sandringham train back to Hampton. It was a short walk from the station back to the car.
The wind had picked up to 25+ knots. Ivan and a couple of others were kitesurfing hard and jumping high; they felt overpowered on 10m kites so I landed them for them so they could re-rig. A few photos of them in action are below.
Ivan said a helicopter had been buzzing a big shark (3m+) that was hanging around the Cerberus not far away. Food for thought . . .
Safety gear
- Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)
- GPS in Pacqua waterproof arm pouch
- Mobile phone in Boxit waterproof jacket
- Sunglasses
Downwinder gear
The gear I took on the downwinder gear in the photo below is:
- Board, Naish Haize 144
- 1mm wetsuit
- Waterproof backpack 18 litres
- Kitebag (in backpack)
- Bouyancy vest
- Foam sandals (in backpack)
- Helmet
- Harness
- Bar
- Safety gear (PLB, GPS, mobile phone)
Naish Haze 144 - a great all round board