Thursday, December 31, 2020

Kitesurfing Walkerville past Digger Island #516

Session 516. Second session at Walkerville and last kitesurfing for 2020. The wind was light at the beach, it took me a few tacks to get out past the reef into a nice 20 knot easterly.

I cruised past Bird Island an on past Digger Island, noticing another limestone kiln ruin.  I rounded the corner to look along the coast towards Bear Gully.  The wind was a bit lighter there so I turned and headed back.  A very rocky shoreline along this section of coast with nowhere to land.

The swell was building and he wind got stronger as I approached Bird Island. I saw another kiter there which was a surprise.  I surfed some rollers then did a long tack past the campground to the sandy beach towards Waratah Bay.

The swell coming back was nice and the wind direction was perfect for the return tack along the shore. The distant squall offshore toward the Prom I was keeping on didn't arrive. The other kiter was kiting just along from Bird Island.

I landed at the beach access ramp without drama and the kite dropped in a lull.  This was a memorable session - good waves and wind and great tour.

I chatted to Mick, another kiter staying in Walkerville who was keen to get out for a kite, he had a look at Sandy Point today and said there were 10 kiters in Shallow Inlet and it was very gusty.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Kitesurfing Walkerville down along reef to the beach and back past Bird Island #515

Session 515. Scored my first session at Walkerville in a good easterly.  There was sand to launch from with the tide receding from high. Once on the water I tacked north coming in close to the reef.  After a few tacks I got down as far as the sandy beach north of the camping ground, dodging a few section of reef that occur further out. 

My right leg was holding up OK with the effort although it was still not 100% and pain in my hip and thighs caused by a disk bulge in my bag compressing a nerve causing radiating pain.

I was able to tack upwind past Walkerville South and Bird Island enjoying the scenery, then on towards Diggers Island. The coast is very rocky in this section so its definitely not a good place to drop your kite or swim in.  Walkerville South has a nice beach that would be suitable for launching and landing kites but its in a cove so the wind would not often get in there.

Coming back past Bird Island I surfed some swells then continued on in towards the beach and Walkerville North. In close to shore I carefully stepped my way through the reef (booties are essential) to get to the sand where the boat vehicle access track descends to the beach. then landed the kite on the sand.

This was a very scenic tour and good kiting once clear of the reefs, but its definitely not a place for beginners.  The reef is gnarly and there are very limited launching and landing options.

Here's the video 

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Kitesurfing downwinder Aspendale to Frankston on the Wave 6 #514

Session 514. My sore hip is feeling much better and the MRI last week didn't show any major problems (despite the pain!) so it was time for some more kitesurfing with a solid westerly blowing. 

I got to Aspendale at 11:00, James and Stuart were on the water. I got on the water after a squall passed on my Airush Wave 6 aiming to enjoy the bay surf.  After a couple of tacks I headed downwind enjoying the waves without the need to tack back.  There was good surf.  

There is now more yellow poles along the way with large sections marked as "no boating" so I stayed out past them. The Wave 6m kite is good for surfing - the last time I did this trip I was overpowered on my 8.  

Down past Seaford there were some other kiters out, then more down at Frankston.  I kiter on the beach landed my kite saving me the hassle of releasing the safety.  He had access to a kiters bathing box right on the beach that is owned by a local kiter. That's the first time I have seen one used for kiting and its a great setup.

I stopped for lunch in Frankston then boarded the train back to Aspendale.  There is a now a bonus view on the train trip back with the new elevated Carrum station providing a great view across the bay.

My hip was fine afterwards which was a relief.

Here is a cool 3D animation of the trip

Video to follow.