Session 398. There was around 20 knots and no kites out at Hampton around noon, . The wind picked up and some dark clouds were visible out over the bay. I waited a while for things to settle then setup my Union 8 and headed out. Anthony was on the water too. Great wind, really solid and not too gusty. I headed down to Green Point and caught some waves there over the reef.
The wind was really good so I kited back to Hampton. Stuart W had just arrived. I got my downwinder gear (backpack, phone, money and travel card) then headed off.
First big downwinder of summer! It brought back lots of great memories. I caught a few more waves at Green Point and the reefs of Brighton then kept going.
I made it past the Brighton Marina breakwater passing close then enjoyed some very fast kiting on the big swells past Elwood.
The huge cruise ship at Port Melbourne provided a good sight marker to head for. There was nobody else around. A downwinder provides meditation - the racing board, the powered kite, the bay swells and the views.
From Port Melbourne I kited back to St Kilda and did a run it the Kiddies Pool before landing and having and calling in to The Zu Boardsports.
Devonshire Tea went down well at the West Beach Pavilion, then I walked to Fitzroy St and caught the 96 tram to Spencer St then the Sandringham line train back to Hampton. Wearing a wetsuit and carrying my board attracted the usual attention from others.
Downwinders are always a highlight, particularly when the wind is so good.
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