Saturday, October 24, 2020

Kitesurfing at Beaumaris - SO GOOD to be on the water again #509

Session 509. Back on the water kitesurfing at Beaumaris!  This is session I will remember after months (133 days) of COVID-19 lockdown. The travel restriction from home was lifted to 25km so I am now at last able to get to some bayside beaches.

A good 18 knot southerly was on at 2 pm,.  This was also my first session on the new board I bought yesterday - a North Cross - which was fantastic.  So light, turns fast, goes upwind well and is good to gybe.

I headed up to Ricketts Point to have a look around and was the only one there. My hip has been sore recently and my leg muscles a bit out of whack so the cross winder to Aspendale was not an option.

I surfed the swell and small reef breaks back to the yacht club and had a short break on the beach. Heading out again the wind picked up - I could see another storm front coming so I headed in.  The wind increased by 10 knots and the kiters out on the water had some dramas, I was happy to be on the beach.

So good to catch with the crew too, there was a great turnout and lots of big smiles.

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