Friday, January 31, 2025

Coles Bay Freycinet to Hazards Beach Fliteboard tour FB#39

Fliteboard session #39. A scenic drive brought us to Coles Bay next to Freycinet National Park. We setup on the boat ramp and launched for our second tour - out to Hazards Beach and back.

The water was clear and smooth with a backdrop of the The Hazards mountains.

Hazards Beach was a nice place to stop for a rest and to take in the scenery. The famous Wineglass Bay is on the opposite side of the small penninsula.

The water was so clear its hard to judge the depth.  Michael hit a reef and put a dent on the underside of his fuselage but he was still able to ride.

The run back to Coles Bay was great.  

Finished with 22% of the Explore battery remaining. 

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