- Wind: 20 to 25 knots, southerly
- Max speed: 37.5 km/h
- Trip: 27.9 km
- Time: 01:20
- Kite: Crossbow 12m
Sore forearms afterwards - I really noticed the bar pressure of the Crossbow today.
I had my camera mounted to my helmet but it seems to have played up and not recorded. Overall, a great session. Skills progressions I am working on are toe down riding - which feels quite weird, controlled kiteloops, and jumping. Stuart recommended doing backflips too, which he says are easy.
Love reading your reports.. I was out yesterday afternoon at Altona; Awesome time, I'm only a beginner, just getting on the board. But last night (at last) it suddenly seemed to click! I think it was mainly down the wind conditions which were pretty close to perfect.
Thanks Russell. Altona is a great spot. When Stuart and I left Hampton there were still 3 keen kiters on the water and sun was about to set!
That "click moment" when you get up and going is a real progression - congratulations. Consider yourself hooked. Next progress is to go upwind!
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