Kite: Noise 12
Wind: 13 knots, SSW
Location: Port Melbourne
Time: 6:10 to 6:20 (10 minutes)
Board: Naish Haize twin tip
The wind conked out, so this wasn't really as session, although I did get wet. The wind came in strong at 5:00pm but I was not on the water until just after 6:00pm. I was heading out on my first tack and was going very close to the end of the small pier just east of Port Melbourne Yacht Club.
The return tack took me slightly downwind so I ended up on the beach just near the pier, walked back and landed my kite.
Somebody turned off the wind switch.
But I did get these photos from my new kitecam - a Casio Exilim EX-G1.
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