Saturday, November 25, 2017

Kitesurfing Stanley East Inlet, flat water speed runs

Session 426.  Tasmania kitesurfing trip Day 2, second session.

The wind dropped soon after we arrived at the East Inlet so I swapped to my big Ocean Rodeo Flite kite. We all waited on the shore for a while until it picked up a bit, then we took some turns doing runs with my kite.  When it got stronger everyone headed out again on their own kites.

The tide was coming in so getting around got easier.  I did a run a long way up the inlet to the South then returned out through the mouth towards Stanley.  When I turned the wind dropped out again!  I ended up walking back along the beach then crossing a sand isthmus to get back to the lagoon and kite back to our base location.

It was really good to get some solid kitesurfing in.  Stanley is a good location for kitesurfing in Tasmania as most wind directions are possible within a short driving distance.

We stopped at Fish Frenzy in Burnie on the foreshore for a good feed on the drive back to Swansea.


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