Sunday, March 17, 2024

Flying from Helsinki over Sweden to Oslo then a walk around the city

Some light snow overnight covered the streets as we left the hotel and caught the metro and train to the airport. We had a good break in the SAS lounge looking out over the snow covered runways.

Our SAS plane stopped for de-icing on the runway prior to take-off.

The flight across the Baltic sea in clear skies and sunshine provided some great views to small islands in the Baltic Sea and the Swedish coast north of Stockholm.

This was a flight to remember.

We caught the airport rail to Oslo, got settled in our hotel then walked around the city to the ferry terminal in the harbour.

It was cold but there wasn't much snow about.

Leaving Helsinki

Vantaa Airport Helsinki

Vantaa Airport Helsinki

Vantaa Airport Helsinki

De-icing the plane

De-icing the plane

Swedish coast

Swedish coast

Swedish coast

Swedish coast

Swedish coast

Approaching Oslo

Approaching Oslo

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