Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Oslo to Svalbard, one of the best flights ever

The flight from Oslo to Tromso had some good views down to snow covered peaks and the fjords near Tromso. 

We landed in Tromso and exited the plane then went through immigration (as Svalbard is an external territory of Norway) then re boarded the plane.

Landing at Svalbard it was -25C, a lot colder than the mainland. We collected our gear and boarded the bus that took us very close to our accommodation at Haugen Pensjonat which has good rooms and kitchen facilities and was not crowded.

Coming into Tromso

We flew over sea ice then Spitzbergen, Svalbard in bluebird skies with superb views down to the peaks and glaciers of and surrounding a sea ice.  One of the best flights I have ever had.

Svalbard, Longyearbyen airport. -25C outside.

Beware of Polar Bears

There are several excellent gear shops and a well stocked supermarket.

A visit to Cafe Huski

I was expecting a remote outpost with few shops but Longyearbyen is a busy place with numerous hotels (most of them expensive), gear shops and restaurants.

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